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Hiking Abel Tasman - Day 1 - Marahau to Anchorage

Day one of Abel Tasman started at the Water Taxi parking lot. We walked about a mile into the park from the lot because that’s where the water taxi would drop us off at the end of the hike. Better to walk a little at the beginning than at the end with sore feet. We waited to start the hike until about 1 in the afternoon because there was rain in the morning. Luckily it cleared up to a beautiful blue sky by noon so we could get a good start on the first day’s hike (or tramp as the Kiwi’s call it).

The first part of the track walks through a low marshland and then you climb a little in to a lush dense rainforest. It was weird walking through a rainforest and feeling chilly instead of oppressive heat and humidity. The hike from Marahau to Anchorage is 12.4km or 7.75 miles. The views along the way are breathtaking. Most of the time you’re walking through dense forest, but you’re never out of earshot of the waves crashing just to the right of you through a line of trees. When the trees open up on occasion, the view will stop you in your tracks. Vivid turquoise waters, white sandy beaches, and forested islands off in the distance.

The great walks of New Zealand are so very well maintained. You cross over bridges and other parts of the track that are constructed to help keep you safe and sound on the way. Most of the little creeks and waterfalls have names but there are some sizeable beauties that we passed over that we got to name ourselves. You’ll be happy to know there is now a Timko Falls on the Able Tasman track. I’m not sure anyone else will know though.

The first day of the track was a long one. It was the longest distance I have ever walked. I’m not sure I believe the iPhone Health app. It says I walked 15 miles that day. I don’t understand how an 8 mile track and an additional mile from the parking lot could ever add up to 15 miles. But my body surely felt every step. I was tired!

Near the end you pop out on top of a ridge and have the beautiful view of all the bays and beaches on the Abel Tasman Coast track. Then you make your way down to the Anchorage Bay hut and campgrounds. When you get down to ground level again, your last bit to walk to the hut is on the white sandy beaches.

I dropped my travel buddy Marion at the hut and made my way to set up my tent. I chose a spot right by the beach in a small grove of trees to help block some of the winds. We had quite a good dinner of dehydrated roast chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy before heading to bed. I stayed up a little late and tried my hand at night photography with my tent. I realized that I didn’t have my remote shutter and I didn’t know enough about my new camera to get a really great picture. I slept well, albeit a little cold.

To Be Continued to Day 2 Bark Bay

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